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1. NCC Cadets Welfare Society was established in Feb 1985 under the Societies Registration Act 1860 in order to provide financial relief to cadets who sustain injury during organized NCC activities or financial assistance to the nominees of the cadet in the event of death during such activities.The Society started with a one-time grant from Central Govt and State Govts. It levies obligatory membership fee on cadets which is a one time payment at the time of enrolment in any Wing/Div of NCC.
Aims and Objective of the Society
2. The present aims & objectives of Cadet Welfare Society are :-
(a) To give financial assistance and relief to cadet NOK/Nominee in case of a demise/injury during NCC activities.
(b) To conduct sports and adventure activities which cannot be funded by Public Funds.
(c) To hold rallies/ campaigns /road shows as social awareness programmes.
(d) Any other training and welfare activity or activity beneficial to cadets.
3. The membership of the Society is open to only those NCC Cadets who have paid the one time membership fee at the time of enrolment in the NCC at the rate fixed by the Governing Body. Such cadets as have paid their membership fee shall be the beneficiaries of the Society during their cadetship in the Division/Wing in which they are enrolled. The cadets who have discontinued their membership and seek re-enrolment shall be treated as fresh cadets and membership fee shall be charged from them at the time of re-enrolment.
Present membership fee is Rs 10/- per cadet.
4. Each cadet on becoming a member of the Society shall fill in a Nomination Form as per the approved performa. It is an important document and should be filled in carefully without any alteration/cutting. Financial assistance is payable only on production of the original nomination form. COs of Units should scruitnise the nomination forms to ensure that the nominees are only the parents or other close relatives such as brothers or sisters. Only in very rare cases where the cadets do not have parents or other close relatives living, will they be allowed to nominate other persons as their nominees.
Financial Assistance/ Relief
5. This will be as under:-
NCC Related Activities |
Death Case |
Premanent Disability |
Temporary Disability |
High Risk Activities |
Rs. 3,00,000/- |
Upto Rs. 3,00,000/- |
Upto Rs. 1,75,000/- |
Normal/ other activities |
Rs. 2,50,000/- |
Upto Rs. 2,50,000/- |
Upto Rs. 1,75,000/- |
Procedure for Claims
6. Requests from the cadet/nominee of deceased cadet for grant of financial assistance will be forwarded to the member Secretary, Managing Committee, NCC Cadets Welfare Society accompanied by the following documents within two months of the causality:-
(a) Death Cases.
(i) Application from the nominee for financial assistance.
(ii) Nomination form in original, submitted by the deceased cadet at the time of enrolment.
(iii) Enrolment Form in original.
(iv) Certificate from the DDG that the deceased was a bonafide NCC cadet, his/her death occurred during a NCCrelated activity and that the death was not caused as a result of the Cadets breach of law or of a criminal act.
(v) Post Mortem Report.
(vi) Court of Inquiry Proceedings.
(vii) Certificate from the nominee as per specimen, in which he states that they will have no claim on the NCC Cadet Welfare Society other than the amount, if any, sanctioned by the Managing Committee with regard to quantum of financial assistance.
(VIII) Recommendations of the OC unit, Gp Commander and Dy DG NCC in the format specified.
(b) Permanent Disability Cases.
(i) Application from the Cadet for financial relief.
(ii) Nomination form in Original.
(iii) Enrolment Form in original.
(iv) Injury Report / Medical certificate from a Govt/ Service Hospital.
(v) Medical Bills (original).
(iv) Court of Inquiry Proceedings.
(v) Certificate from the Cadet/guardian (if the cadet is minor), as per format specified which states that he will have no claim on the NCC Cadet Welfare Society other that the amount, if any, sanctioned by the Managing Committee with regard to quantum of financial assistance.
(vi) Recommendations of the OC unit, Gp Commander, Dy DG NCC as per format specified.
(c) Temporary Disability Cases.
(i) Application from the Cadet for financial relief.
(ii) Nomination form in Original.
(iii) Enrolment Form in original.
(iv) Injury Report / Medical certificate from a Govt/ Service Hospital.
(v) Medical Bills (original).
(vi) Court of Inquiry Proceedings.
(vii) Certificate from the Cadet/guardian (if the cadet is minor), as per format specified which states that he will have no claim on the NCC Cadet Welfare Society other that the amount, if any, sanctioned by the Managing Committee with regard to quantum of financial assistance.
(viii) Recommendations of the OC unit, Gp Commander, Dy DG NCC as per format specified.
(d) Immediate Financial Assistance. In case of death of a cadet during a NCC related activity, immediate interim financial assistance not exceeding Rs. 50,000/- is granted by DGNCC. For the interim payment of Rs 50, 000/-, the following information/documents will be dispatched to the society within 48 hours of the occurrence, if necessary by a special courier:-
(i) Institution/Unit of the cadet with date of his/her joining NCC.
(ii) Nature of NCC activity during which the death has taken place.
(iii) Date and cause of death.
(iv) Whether an FIR has been filed with local police and post-mortem of the dead body carried out.
(v) Has the Court of Inquiry been ordered, if so, the details thereof?
(vi) Nomination Form in original.
(vii) Enrolment Form in original.
(viii) Address of the Nominee and the branch of State Bank of India or Syndicate Bank or which is nearest to the residence of the nominee.
(ix) A certificate from the DDG that the deceased was a bonafide NCC cadet, his/her death occurred during a NCC related activity and that the death was not caused as a result of the cadet's breach of law or of a criminal act.
7. The Society grants 750 scholarships of Rs. 6,000/- each to NCC Cadets who excel in academics. The vacancies are allotted to all states based on the enrolled strength of each state.
8. Eligibility Conditions for Award of Scholarship.
(a) Junior Division/Wing Cadets. The cadet should have passed his VIII or IX examination in the preceding year with min 70% marks as prescribed. They should have undergone training for at least 1 year with a minimum of 80% attendance and have exemplary discipline.
(b) Senior Division/Wing Cadets. The cadet should have obtained min of 70% marks in the aggregate in case of science stream and 60% in the case of Arts/Commerce stream in class XII or 2nd year of graduation or diploma in Polytechnic if NCC was not available at 10+2 level in the preceding academic year. The cadets if joining SD/SW in class XI will be eligible for CWS Scholarship based on their scoring in class X exam in the preceding year. The cadet should have done atleast one year in NCC with 80% attendance and have exemplary discipline.
(c) Concession for SC/ST/OBC Cadets. Relaxation of 5% marks to the minimum laid down for each category is given. Such cadets are also eligible for a bonus of 10% marks while making the merit list.
(d) An extra concession of 5% marks to cadets belonging to J&K, NER and Sikkim.
Best Cadet Awards
9. The Society grants awards to TWO BEST CADETS in each category i.e. JD, JW, SD, and SW at group level. The amount of award is Rs. 3,500/- for Best Cadet and Rs. 2,500/- for 2nd Best Cadet. The selection is done by every GP HQ by holding competition in the following subjects :-
(a) Written test (general knowledge) to include current affairs and sports.
(b) Service Subjects to include drill and firing.
(c) Interview.
(d) Participation in various NCC activities.