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Lt Gen PS Bhalla, AVSM, an alumnus of NDA, Pune, was commissioned intoThe 64th CAVALRY in Dec 1973. A graduate of Defence Services Staff College, Wellington, the General has done all important courses including the prestigious Long Defence Management Course and Advance Programme on Public Administration from Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. The Offr is also accredited with higher qualifications and is a Master of Philosophy in Social Science from Punjab University, Chandigarh.
The General has wide ranging experience of various high profile command and staff appointments. He has commanded The 64th CAVALRY, 88 Armd Brigade and 20Mountain Division. On staff, he has served as Dy GOC of Victor Force responsible for Counter Terrorist Operations in Southern Kashmir, COS of HQ 4 Corps and ADG WE at Integrated Headquarters of MoD.
The General Officer was awarded the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal for his distinguished service while serving as GOC 20 Mountain Division.
The General is a prolific writer and have a number of conceptual papers on Military and Environment related subjects to his credit.
The General is married to Mrs Jaswinder Kaur and they have a son who is pursuing his studies at Pune. The General Officer took over as DGNCC on 21 Feb 2011.