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National level Org
The Headquarters at the national level, this organization is headed by an officer of the rank of Lieutenant General. He is the Director General of the NCC. Two other officers of the rank of Major General, five Brigadier level officers and other civil officials assist him. The Headquarters is located in Delhi. Thereare17directorates located in the state capitals headed by an officer of the rank of a Maj Gen Brigadier from the three Services. Depending upon the size of the state and growth of NCC in the states, Directorates have up to 14 Group Headquarters under them through which they exercise their command and control on the organisation in the state. Each group is headed by an the rank of Colonel or equivalent known as Group Commander. Each NCC Group Headquarters control 5-7 units(Bns) commanded by Lt. Colonel/Major or equivalent. Each Battalion consists of companies which are commanded by the Associate NCC Officer(ANO) of the rank of lieutenant to major. In all there are 91 Group Headquarters in the country who exercise control over a network of 658 Army Wing Units(including technical and girls unit), 58 Naval Wing Units and 58 Air Squadrons. There are two training establishments namely Officers Training School, Kamptee and Women Officers Training School, Gwalior.