Hit Counter0000712824Since: 05-02-2014
Honours & Awards
1. Director General Commendation Card.
- (a) Eligibility.
(i) Central Government civilian officers / staff posted to HQ NCC.
(ii) Central Government civilian officers / staff posted to NCC Directorates / training establishments.
(iii) State Government officers / staff posted NCC Directorates / Group Headquarters /units.
- (b) Qualifying Act.
The DG NCC Commendation Card is given in recognition of the following
(i) Outstanding and distinguished service rendered by the civilian employee in discharge of their duties.
(ii) The dedication and devotion to work displayed by the civilian in furtherance of the cause of NCC.
(iii) Outstanding contribution for efficient management of various NCC activities including camps.
- (c) Channels of Recommending.
Sr No
Category of Civilian
Initiated By
Recommended by
Civilian officers and staff at HQ NCC
Director of concerned Directorate (Dte)
Dy DG of the Dte
Civilian officers / staff in NCC Dte /training establishment
Dir / Jt Dir / Dy Commandant concerned
Dy DG / Commandant
Civilian officers/ staff posted to select units eg 3 Mah Med Coy, DAS Naval Unit
OC of the unit
State govt officers / staff posted to NCC Dte
Dir State cell
State Govt officers / staff posted to Groups HQ / units
Gp Cdr / OC unit
- (d) Vacancies per Directorate.
(i) NCC HQ : 02 each Dte
(ii) NCC Dte / training establishment : 2 each
(iii) Gp HQ (Including Units) : 1 each
- (e) Download Application.
2. Defence Secretary’s Commendation Card.
- (a) Vacancies. 05 -10 per Directorate
- (b) Eligibility.
(i) Whole time and part time NCC officers. (ii) UOIs and SMIs (iii) NCC Cadets
- (c) Qualifying Act. The Defence Secretary commendation card will be awarded for glaring acts or deeds in the fields of adventure, sports, training or for their outstanding contribution in social or cultural activities.
- (d) Recommendation. The citation should be initiated by the OC Unit (or the next higher officer when the OC himself is being recommended) immediately after the act is performed and sent in quadruplicate to the next higher authority who will forward it to the DG NCC.
- (e) Download Application.
3. Raksha Mantri’s Commendation Card.
- (a) Vacancies. 01 - 03 per Directorate
- (b) Eligibility.
(i) Whole time and part time NCC officers. (ii) UOIs and SMIs (iii) NCC Cadets
- (c) Qualifying Act. The Raksha Mantri Commendation card will be awarded for outstanding act involving courage or devotion to duty which enhances the image of NCC.
- (d) Recommendation. The citation should be initiated by the OC Unit (or the next higher officer when the OC himself is being recommended) immediately after the act is performed and sent in quadruplicate to the next higher authority who will forward it to the DG NCC.
- (e) Download Application.
- (a) Vacancies. One per Directorate
- (b) Eligibility.
(i) Whole time and part time NCC officers. (ii) UOIs and SMIs (iii) NCC Cadets
- (c) Qualifying Act. The Raksha Mantri’s Padak will be awarde to individuals who perform an exceptional act involving courage, devotion to duty and any contribution of lasting value to the organisation. Such act should bring glory and fame to the NCC.
- (d) Download Application
5. Commendation Card for Civilians