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1. NCC Group Headquarters, Dehradun was raised in May 1963. Seven NCC Battalions including one Girls Battalion and two Independent Companies were allotted to the Group at the time of raising.
2. Consequent to the formation of Uttaranchal State in Nov 2K, two NCC Battalions i.e. 30 UP Bn NCC, Bijnor and 32 UP Bn NCC, Dhampur were allotted to NCC Group headquarters Bareilly. On further reorganization of Group Headquarters in Uttaranchal State, 31 UK Bn, Haridwar, 4 UK (I) Coy, Pauri and 2 UK (I) Coy, Ranipur (under disbandment) were allotted to NCC Group Headquarters, Roorkee.
3. This HQ was upgraded to UK Dte NCC at Dehradun on raising of the latter. Subsequently it was disbanded on 25 May 07. It was re - raised on 08 Dec 10 at Nanoorkhera, Tapovan Marg, Dehradun i.e. the present location.
4. Within its area of jurisdiction, four districts of Garhwal are covered (Dehradun, Tehri Uttarkashi, and Chamoli).
5. The following NCC units form part of this Group since 08 Dec 10:-
(a) 29 UK Bn NCC, Dehradun
(b) 11 UK (Girls) Bn NCC, Dehradun
(c) 1 UK (I) Coy NCC, Gopeshwar
(d) 3 UK (I) Coy NCC, Uttarkashi